We are focused on building the capacity of New Hampshire communities to be strong, resilient, vibrant places through investments in people, institutions and systems. This includes the capacity to both proactively and reactively address social, economic and environmental challenges.

In State Fiscal Year 2024, CDFA infused $25.6 million into New Hampshire communities, supported 117 community-based initiatives and organizations across the state, and engaged 152 business donors. Business donors remained committed to making investments in New Hampshire communities despite continued economic uncertainty.

CDFA’s resources have supported nonprofits, municipalities, businesses and microenterprises through the COVID-19 pandemic, provide new jobs, increase access to affordable childcare, help strengthen Main Streets, create healthy and safe affordable housing, increase energy efficiency, improve public facilities, and provide emergency situation funding. Initiatives supported by CDFA reported the following impacts in State Fiscal Year 2024:

  • Assisted or served 85,927 people;
  • Rehabbed, preserved or created 257 housing units;
  • Created or retained 366 jobs;
  • Supported 300 micro businesses; and
  • Developed or rehabbed 729,120 square feet.

With the support of our business, non-profit and municipal partners, CDFA continues to work towards its strategy to increase annual investments into New Hampshire communities. Learn more about our goals to maximize CDFA’s impact in our Living Strategic Plan.