We support our community partners well beyond the deployment of resources. CDFA is dedicated to ensuring the long-term success of the organizations we provide ongoing technical assistance and assist with network building, asset management, compliance, as well as analyzing data and outcomes.
Technical Assistance
Across all our programs, we offer technical assistance, advice, application guidance, compliance support and connections to other funders. We work closely with our partners to find creative solutions and offer guidance on project development, strategy and planning, implementation and finance, among other topics critical to successful community economic development efforts.
Network Building
Successful community economic development efforts require a broad strategy to investments that revolve around the people living and working in our communities. Supporting these strategies requires comprehensive, community-based networks. CDFA is focused on helping partners make meaningful connections that build collaboration and capacity while maximizing impact and unlocking the potential within our communities.
Data Analysis
CDFA assembles and uses relevant demographic, fiscal and other data, along with public input, to help guide planning and funding priorities, particularly for the federal Community Development Block Grant program.
In 2019, CDFA embarked on an initiative to update its data collection, analysis and visualization capacity. The initiative has the following components:
- Create a new “Core Data Index” to measure community need, using more up-to-date, relevant and varied data sources;
- Align data with CDFA strategic priorities, including Basic Human Needs, Access to Opportunity, and Community Sustainability and Vibrancy; and
- Create a data-visualization platform to display the Community Indicators within the ‘Core Data Index,’ as well as other data indicators, in a user-friendly and accessible way.
Learn more about CDFA’s data initiative and explore New Hampshire municipal- and county-level data with our unique and interactive data-visualization tool to better understand the opportunities within your community via https://resources.nhcdfa.org/working-with-cdfa/data/. Additional data indicators and sources to help measure community need and inform strategic priorities can be found at https://www.policymap.com/maps.