CDFA’s Community Development Advisory Committee is dedicated to advising the organization on its administration of Community Development Block Grants to further the development of vibrant communities in New Hampshire. The Committee represents diverse perspectives from across the state.
The New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority is celebrating its commitment to building strong communities this week in support of National Community Development Week, April 10 – 14. The week-long celebration underscores the importance of dedicating federal Community Development Block Grant resources towards impactful projects across New Hampshire and nationwide. CDFA has been committed to strengthening New Hampshire communities for forty years.
“Dedicating resources to community economic development initiatives in New Hampshire is fundamental to the growth and prosperity of our communities and our state,” said Katherine Easterly Martey, Executive Director, CDFA. “Through these investments, we are building critical public infrastructure to support our communities to be strong, resilient, and vibrant places. We are honored to support these efforts with the deployment of Community Development Block Grants across the Granite State and are grateful for the community partners that ensure these resources fund important, community initiatives.”
CDFA has guided the investment of more than $180 million of Community Development Block Grant resources into New Hampshire communities since 2003. Between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022, funds from the state program have:
- Improved the lives of 13,479 people through public services and public facility improvements;
- Created or retained 38 livable wage jobs with benefits;
- Created or rehabilitated 453 affordable and workforce housing units; and
- Provided technical assistance to 455 micro businesses.
Community-based partners that are critical to the success of these investments in New Hampshire include: municipalities, counties, grant administrators, nonprofits, Regional Planning Commissions, Regional Development Corporations, and CDFA’s Community Development Advisory Committee.
These critical resources directly impact people in our communities and have been deployed across the state making a significant impact on economic development, housing and community-based initiatives which primarily benefit low- and moderate-income people in New Hampshire. Funding for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is provided to New Hampshire through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
In New Hampshire, Community Development Block Grant resources administered by CDFA increase access to affordable childcare and critical community services, help strengthen Main Streets, create healthy and safe affordable housing, increase energy efficiency, empower small businesses through technical assistance, and improve public facilities.
To learn more about how Community Development Block Grants and other CDFA resources are impacting New Hampshire communities, visit: https://nhcdfa.org/who-we-are/our-impact/.
About the Community Development Finance Authority
The Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA) is a statewide nonprofit public authority focused on maximizing the value and impact of community development, economic development and clean energy initiatives throughout New Hampshire. The organization leverages a variety of financial and technical resources, including the competitive deployment of grant, loan and equity programs. Those resources include New Hampshire state tax credits, federal Community Development Block Grant resources and the CDFA Clean Energy Fund. For more information about CDFA and its programs visit www.nhcdfa.org or call 603-226-2170.