The New Hampshire Housing and Community Development Planning Council is developing the 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan which includes the 2021 Action Plan for the State of New Hampshire. The Consolidated Plan and Action Plan will establish the priorities for use of HOME Investment Partnerships Program, National Housing Trust Fund, Community Development Block Grant, and Emergency Solutions Grant funds received from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and describes the method of distribution of these funds in 2021-2025. The Council and the three agencies administering the funds, (New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority, New Hampshire Community Development Finance Authority, and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Housing Supports) are soliciting comments on the Draft 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan and 2021 Action Plan.
The Draft 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan which includes the 2021 Action Plan is available for download at Printed copies are available upon request to members of the general public lacking internet access.